Why You Should Consider Professional Color Services at Admirations Hair It Iz

When you really think about it we do not live in a black and white world. We live in a world that displays the most beautiful pallet of color. Professional Color Services add dimension and depth to your style. Professional Color can also bring out the movement of your cut and provide you with a variety of looks simply by changing your color. In our salon, we utilize a healing hair color system that heals, seals and protects the hair.

So whether your desire is to get the ultimate look from your new style, which will make you the object of admiration or simply to try something new for the first time, we are here to serve you and to help you to look your best.


Permanent Color $50 & up
Double Process $110 & up
Rinse $35 & up
Semi-Permanent $40 & up
Highlights $75 & up

24hr cancellation fee $50

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